15) Space exploration
Earth got boring when they invented the internet.
14) Potatoes
Mashed, baked, fried. This Latvian cuisine is now a worldwide food favorite.
13) Bruce Lee killing Chuck Norris
The author doesn't care for Chuck Norris jokes due to this fact.
12) Crop Circles
Aliens. Closely relates to number 15.
11) Mid-American Conference football games
The fans here are so passionate. Without them, nobody would show up.
10) Microsoft Paint
The poor person's adobe suite.
9) Tubas
If anyone disagrees with this entry on the list, please contact out complaints box found at your local McDonalds fine dining restaurant.
8) The Beatles
They're the greatest band ever, yo!
6) Playing football with your foot
FOOTball = sport with foot. HANDEGG = egg shaped thing played with hands.
5) Thanking our president
I'm losing all my rights.
4) Jar Jar Binks
All those haters are bandwagon Star Wars fans. Only true Star wars fans love this guy.
3) Pay phones
So old and foreign that it is a hipster novelty.
2) Wasting time reading lists that were re posted on facebook
Thanks, Obama.
1) Skipping numbers.
Betcha didn't notice number 7 was stolen by our good friends at Wal-Mart

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